Peanut - Paul Hoppe, Ayun Halliday
The synopsis really says it all. So, here is my take on it. I LOVED LOVED LOVED the cover. I couldn’t wait to pick this one up and read it. BUT, I HATED HATED HATED the main character.Here we have a girl who is changing schools and leaving her best friend behind. Sure, she’s nervous. I get that. Also, what do a lot of people do when they move to a different place where no one knows them? They reinvent themselves. It’s been done many times in books and movies. Also, I get that. But, Sadie goes one step farther and also invents a deadly peanut allergy. Why??? For attention I guess. For sympathy? To give her something to talk about? I don’t know. Whatever the reason I didn’t like it. The poor girl needs some counseling. Her boyfriend though! Top notch!!! Though he has a weird quirk, too. Has anyone else read this one yet? Am I being too hard on it?