Our Hero (Babymouse Series #2) -
The second installment finds Babymouse struggling with her normal, boring life. Once again she misses the bus, once again her locker gives her trouble, and once again her best friend, Wilson, is the only light in her otherwise dark day.Even though Felicia Furrypaws is still the biggest bully at school, she isn’t Babymouse’s problem this time. This time it’s DODGEBALL. When the gym teacher informs the class that everyone has to play dodgeball because it will be for a grade and go in their permanent record, Babymouse panics! She is scared of dodgeball. How will she ever overcome her fear?Babymouse’s wild and crazy imagination takes us on a hot and dusty wagon train, a dark and lonely prison, a horror movie starring Babymousezilla, a World Dodgeball Federation match, and a hero’s parade. As always, her imagination gives us a great insight to her feelings. You can’t help falling in love with Babymouse.