Remembering Raquel - Vivian Vande Velde
The story is told from multiple perspectives: her best friend, her father, the people with her when she stepped off the curb in front of the car, the woman that actually hit her, and various students from school. No one, except her best friend, really knew much about Raquel. She was shy, a little overweight, and someone that tended to be invisible. She didn't have any true friends at school, but you wouldn't know that after her death. Kids who never had anything nice to say about her weight, her clothes, or her overall appearance were at the funeral home on the day of the viewing crying and carrying on like they were her best friends. Kids from school started campaigns to reduce the speed limit on the street Raquel was killed on; money was collected to purchase a memorial bench for Raquel at the high school. Through the voices of all the people that surrounded Raquel while she was alive, we hear the story of how life went on after she was gone.