Fade - Robert Cormier
You should read WAKE before you pick up FADE. You’ll understand the story much better.

My review may be a little vague, but I don’t want to give away any SPOILERS for WAKE.

Janie still has a difficult life. Her mother still drinks and hides in her bedroom to the extent that she doesn’t have any interest in what Janie does. Janie is the adult in house - making sure there are groceries in the house and taking care of the other day to day household chores.

The one bright spot in her life is Cabel. She depends on him to support her through the terrible side effects of the dreams - other peoples’ dreams that she is sucked into. On the bright side, Janie is learning how to control her dream experiences with unexpected help from Mrs. Stubin.

Janie has had Winter Break to relax, but now that school is starting again she’ll have to get involved more deeply than she ever has before. Her relationship with Cabel becomes strained, she finds herself in dangerous situations, and her body begins to suffer the effects of her dream catching. FADE is a suspenseful ride. Lisa McMann keeps you guessing from beginning to end and learning more about the process of dream catching adds a lot to the story.

The third book in the series is titled GONE and it is sure to be a winner based on WAKE and FADE. GONE will be released February of 2009.