The Girl Who Owned a City: The Graphic Novel - O.T. Nelson, Dan Jolley, Jo'lle Jones
Being in charge isn’t easy, but that’s exactly what Lisa is – IN CHARGE.

After all the adults die from a virus, Lisa is left to protect her brother and make sure they both survive in a world gone crazy. Using her parents’ car, she explores for food and other supplies. At first, she tries to keep everything a secret so she doesn’t have to share, but when she sees how terrible the other children in her neighborhood looks, she decides she needs to do something to help them.

In addition to struggling for food and shelter, the kids have to fight off the attacks of a local gang that bully everyone to take what they need.

Lisa comes up with a plan to keep her group safe, but will she be able to keep control or will the bully gang ruin everything?

This is a graphic adaptation of O.T. Nelson’s novel of the same name. I haven’t read it, but the graphic novel definitely made me what to. I’ve added it to my To-Read list, that’s for sure. The artwork is great. It is colorful and compliments the text perfectly. The only thing stopping me from giving it a 5 Glasses rating is the character development. We didn’t get to see many emotions – even though the story starts only a couple of weeks after their parents die. This didn’t stop me from enjoying it though. For fans of post-apocalyptic stories, this is a sure bet.