Epitaph Road - David Patneaude
It’s been thirty years since the first plague swept through the world, killing the majority of the males on the planet. Being the only ones left to put the world back together, the women become the leaders of the world and the people with the most influence in society. Women make up 97% of the population. In the world they create, crime goes down, prisons empty, and the world becomes a more peaceful place to live. It is clear the men didn’t know what they were doing and because of that, the ones that are left don’t have many opportunities. The best and the brightest men can only hope for a chance at a non-threatening career like teacher, doctor, actor, or salesman.

The new government leaders (all women) decided only 5% of the population should be male. In order to ensure this, men were sterilized unless they passed the most rigorous of educational tests or trials. Most babies were created in test tubes or by articifical insemination.

Kellen, a fourteen-year-old boy, is the son of one of the lucky few men granted the right to conceive a child naturally. His mother, a high ranking official with the PAC (Population Apportionment Council), at one time, loved his father, but since he’d left the Seattle area to be a loner in the hinterlands, her number one priority has become her work. Kellen dreams of going to live with his father, Charlie, and working with him on a fishing boat.

Up until now, Kellen’s life has been pretty easy and sheltered. It isn’t until he overhears some confidential information between his mother and the leader of PAC that he starts putting the pieces of history together. With the help of two brave girls, Kellen sets out on the adventure of a lifetime. He risks death in an attempt to save people in the hinterland. Will he reach them in time?

I wanted EPITAPH ROAD to be better than it was. It was okay, but not fantastic. I was so excited when the hype stated it was a along the same lines as HUNGER GAMES and GONE. For fans of dystopian literature, this is definitely one to pick up. I just wanted more . Each chapter begins with an epitaph written for one of the victims of the plague by a loved one. Those didn’t do anything for me. The author seems to have left the story open for a sequel and I can see a rebellion brewing (like HUNGER GAMES) so I’ll be interested to read it when it comes out.